How Edvantis is Responding to COVID-19: What’s Ahead for Us and Our Partners

The past several months have been an absolute turmoil for most of the world. Few businesses were prepared to respond to sudden shelter-in-place and quarantine directives.

The times are challenging for all of us: businesses cross-industry are experiencing a slowdown. The future is uncertain. But as Craig Barrett, former Intel CEO, said back in 2002:

“You never save your way out of a recession. The slowdowns are going to end, and you need to prepare for the upswing…the build-out of the Internet, the build-out of this digital world is still in its infancy.”

At Edvantis, we believe that the future of the digital space still remains bright and prosperous. Thus, in these challenging times, we are doing our best to help our clients settle into remote operations, leverage the power of distributed teams and don’t let doubt and uncertainty cloud the ultimate vision for their business. 

A Personal Note from our Group CEO, Ruslan Zakharchenko:

Edvantis will remain focused on providing the same levels of service to our clients, as we provided before. Already, all of our teams have effectively transitioned to remote work and settled into the business-as-usual work mode. We ensure that our people remain safe, take all the necessary health precautions, and maintain high spirits. 

We are also proactively helping our clients to adapt their operations and business processes to the new realities. So if you are experiencing challenges or operational disruptions, reach out! 

Last, but not least: I’d like to remind you that today, more than ever, we really need to support and take care of each other, show compassion to others, and help older people and others struggling to cope with the new reality. Stay safe & be strong! 

How Edvantis is Helping Our Clients

The majority of our clients, as well as our company, had to embrace remote work — a setup that is dramatically different from how we all used to operate. By approaching the matter with urgency and utmost due diligence, Edvantis managed to effectively transition to remote work on short notice. 

  • We reconfigured our infrastructure to support more external traffic without compromising security. 
  • All the team members received access to first-grade communication, project management, and document sharing tools. 
  • Communication & reporting remains smooth, meaning that all our divisions remain well-aligned and productive. 

Now we’d like to focus on helping our clients maximize their effectiveness and smoothen the edges during the transition. That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive remote work checklist that covers all the key bases — communication, organization, cybersecurity, and infrastructure.

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    Dr. Torsten Schmale
    CEO & Founder, Doc Cirrus
    Doc Cirrus has been drawing on the expertise of Edvantis application engineers since 2016. They've truly become an extended workbench for our development team.
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