Near-Field Communication (NFC) Solutions Development
From transportation to retail, NFC software development enables businesses to improve customer payment experience and optimize payment infrastructure costs. Deploy a new payment product with an experienced IT partner.

What is NFC?
NFC stands for near-field communication — a wireless communication protocol for facilitating short-range communication between hardware devices. NFC technology can be used in different ways, but its most common use case is contactless payment processing.
NFC payment technology relies on data encryption (tokenization) and digital connectivity to exchange payment data between an NFC-enabled smartphone, card reader, or POS terminal. It’s a well-secured and easy-to-setup means for effortless payment processing.
NFC Use Cases
As we navigate toward a cashless society, NFC technologies gain greater prominence in our day-to-day lives. By leveraging tokenization, Edvantis can help you codify any type of physical asset – a debit card, a transport ticket, a personal ID – into an anonymized data bit, stored on a user’s phone. Share the token with other hardware devices that can decrypt it and interact with it as if it were a physical asset.
When paired with transactional data encryption (tokenization), NFC solutions add an extra layer of security over consumers’ sensitive data, plus simplify the process of exchanging it. Not only can you design better payment flows, but also leverage NFC tags for asset monitoring, facility accesses, and attendance tracking.
Edvantis NFC Expertise
Consumers expect a seamless, secure, and digital payment experience. Edvantis pairs acute NFC Consulting with flexible IT services delivery via our stackable service models to help you develop competitive software products and create applications for NFC solutions.
Closed Loop Solutions
Closed loop NFC solutions as a type of payment processing infrastructure, specific to your company. Segregated from the rest of the world, closed-loop systems use private means of connections to tokenize, process, and trace any type of exchanged data — be it loyalty card spending, building accesses, or transit ticket.
Edvantis can help you set up online and offline closed-loop NFC payment solutions, compatible with a broad range of supported readers such as ticketing devices, payment card readers, or access control systems.

Open Loop EMV Cards
Open loop NFC systems rely on existing payment infrastructure for EMV cards. Such solutions can collect payments straight from bank-issued contactless cards, mobile wallets, or smart devices. There’s no need for issuing a separate physical card — you can access the user’s fund straight away to collect the right fare or process a purchase.
Edvantis engineering team has experience with configuring secure back-end payment processing for open-loop systems, in line with EMVCo industry recommendations.

EV Charging Solutions
As electric vehicles (EVs) go mainstream, drivers expect improvements in EV charging payments. NFC payment technology can be used to enable M2M transactions (e-vehicle to a charging station) or human-led payments via contactless bank cards or closed-loop NFC cards.
Edvantis can help you launch on-brand contactless smart cards to identify the vehicle owner, access loyalty data, and charge a competitive rate afterward or implement secure open-loop contactless payment processing with proper rate capping.